A whole lot of travel + ADVENTURE brought to you with a healthy dose of newborns, product shoots, & family sessions. I am a lifestyle photographer that searches for the untold beauty.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lee Family

Oh man,
I just adore this family.
Clint & Lucie are some of our closest & most cherished friends.
So, it's always a treat when I get to photograph them.
Being able to photograph their WHOLE family put the cherry on top.
What a FUN family.
I'm pretty sure they goofed off more than anything.
I could have posted about a zillion more of this family,
but, i refrained & just posted some of my favorite.
I love the springy colors & slightly hazy look for this spring session.
Here is the BEAUTIFUL Lee family.
 Clint, Lucie
& cutest little Ezra.
 Cam, Lindsay,
& darling Daxton.
 This next shot makes me giggle.
So typical with babies.
I'm glad I could catch such a candid moment on film.
 The boys
& girls.

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