A whole lot of travel + ADVENTURE brought to you with a healthy dose of newborns, product shoots, & family sessions. I am a lifestyle photographer that searches for the untold beauty.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

London: 18 Months

London is such a little doll!  How has 18 months gone by so fast?  
She is so FULL of light & energy.
If you're having a bad day, come over to my house..
She will be sure to cheer you up.
Truthfully, she already reminds me so much of myself.
Full of love, slightly stubborn, a free spirit, a bit quirky, 
& an adventurer by heart.
I love this little mini me (personality)
more than Snape loves Lilly. 
She has my personality,
but she is defiantly Blake's TWIN.
It's amazing how much she learns each day.
Her little brain is just a sponge..
soaking up everything in sight. 

I decided that for her 18 month photos,
I wanted to take photos of things that we do everyday.
Some were 'posed' photos,
but the majority are things that we do everyday.
This photo shoot happened over the space of a week.
I just don't want to forget the way she walks...still wobbly.
The way her hair looks....so fluffy & chick like.
The way she plays.
Her curiosity.
Her baths.
Her DARK blue eyes.
I borrowed some of my mother-in-laws Vintage clothes/props for a session I was doing..
I couldn't help but snap a few of London in the clothes.
Wouldn't she make a cute old fashioned little girl?

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